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All Saints' CofE First School



Behaviour Principles

Our school community is a family, where each member shares the same Christian values. Everyone is valued for their own skills and talents and caring about others is central to our school ethos. Relationships and sense of community underpin our school vision –to be the best we can be. It is a primary aim of All Saints’ CE(A) First School that every member of the school community feels valued and respected, and that each person is treated fairly and well.

The school’s behaviour policy is therefore designed to support the way in which all members of the school can work together in a supportive way. It aims to promote an environment in which everyone feels happy, safe and secure.

Our values underpin our approach to our behaviour management within school. All members of our school community are encouraged to:

  • have perseverance  and endurance, keeping on trying and not giving up.
  • be confident in our own abilities and willing to try new things, confident in those around us –trusting others.
  • be respectful of each other, ourselves and the world around. Having reverence in what God has created.
  • be kind to each other – giving each other hope and encouragement, setting a good example to others
  • be creative   –  using our special gifts to express original ideas and solve problems
  • be kind, warm, friendly and caring –  showing love and friendship towards others, at all times.
  • have a love of learning – be inquisitive, curious and keen to understand – showing awe and wonder in God’s world
  • be independent – making our own choices based on our values, learning to do things on our own.
  • be responsible – being dependable so people know they can count on you, contributing to our school community, always trying your best.

We do this as part of our Christian, caring community.

  • Caring – understanding the feelings of others, wanting to help, showing compassion and forgiveness
  • Community – working in partnership with others, being a family.

The school has a number of rules, but our behaviour policy is not primarily concerned with rule enforcement. It is a means of promoting good relationships, so that people can work together with the common purpose of helping everyone to learn.

The policy should support the school community in aiming to allow everyone to work together in an effective and considerate way.

Our behaviour policy aims to help children grow in a safe and secure environment, and to become positive, responsible and increasingly independent members of the school community.

The school recognises and promotes good behaviour, as it believes that this will develop an ethos of kindness and cooperation. This policy is designed to encourage good behaviour, rather than merely deter anti-social behaviour.

Values and Beliefs

  • The school has a positive and inclusive approach to managing behaviour.
  • We believe in encouraging good behaviour through a range of positive behaviour management strategies.
  • Through this positive approach we aim to pre-empt inappropriate behaviour, thus enabling us to focus on good behaviour.
  • We believe strongly in the importance of promoting and praising good behaviour.
  • We put great emphasis on the importance of interacting with others in respectful ways through speech, actions and relationships.
  • We aim to provide care and support for our children and support them to learn how to manage their behaviour appropriately.
  • We give children choices and make it clear as to the consequences of the choices they make.
  • We believe that children have rights and responsibilities
  • Children have the right to be safe, treated politely and to learn without disruption.
  • Children have a responsibility to care for themselves, other people and their school.
  • We expect all adults and children to:
    • Treat each other with courtesy and consideration, by treating others as we wish to be treated ourselves.
    • Talk and listen to one another in order to understand and respect each other, making sure we hear all sides and do not jump to conclusions.
    • Be fair and consistent to each other however we recognise that by treating people fairly we may not treat everyone the same.
    • Value, take pride in and care for the school by looking after school property and equipment.

Governors’ Statement on:

Screening and searching pupils (including identifying in the school rules items which are banned and which may be searched for)

  • School staff may search pupils with their permission for any item that is banned by the school rules.
  • The Headteacher, and staff authorised by the Headteacher, have the power to search pupils or their possessions, without consent, where they suspect the pupil has weapons, alcohol, illegal drugs and stolen items.
  • The school will not normally conduct a ‘without consent search’ but will contact the child’s parents instead.
  • The use of this power will therefore be an absolute last resort.

Use of reasonable force and physical contact

  • All school staff have the power to use reasonable force to prevent pupils committing an offence, injuring themselves or others, or damaging property, and to maintain good order and discipline in the classroom.
  • The headteacher should be informed of any incident that has led to the use of these powers, which will be recorded.

Pastoral care for school staff accused of misconduct

  • The school will not automatically suspend a member of staff who has been accused of misconduct, pending an investigation.
  • In these instances, the governing body will ask the headteacher to draw on the advice in the ‘Dealing with Allegations of Abuse against Teachers and Other Staff’ guidance when setting out the pastoral support school staff can expect to receive if they are accused of misusing their powers.

Pupils who display continuous Disruptive Behaviour

  • Exclusion from school is regarded as a last resort and will be avoided as far as possible.
  • It may be used in response to a single extreme incident or after a long series of serious misdemeanours.
  • LEA guidance will be followed in such cases including writing a behaviour management plan for any pupil at risk of exclusion.
  • Parents will be informed and involved in the preparation of the plan.
  • If exclusion becomes necessary the statutory exclusion procedures will be followed and parents will be informed of their right of appeal.

You can find our full behaviour policy and guidelines in the ‘Policies’ section of our website.